I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Crude humour and other things.

Well, I've not much to say, aside from the fact that crude humor is wonderful.
Also, penis.

All joking aside, people form opinions on the most retarded of things. Seriously, it's amazing that someone with so little brainpower and information can compose so much of an opinion that if it was compiled into a hardcover book it would kill a whale.
Also, people love to argue forcefully in favour of these misguided arguments, and the more evidence against, the more anger, pain and insults, therefore, the better. And actually, more fun for those above the intelligence line.

I wonder what would happen if I just rambled about something...

People can really have the stupidist of arguments over the stupidest of things. If you disagree, feel free to argue with me while I listen to loud electro pop music and prove my point for me. No, really, go ahead. Yell about it. Please. But don't forget to provide links, I could use the publicity.

Also, there's going to be a new poll up on April 1st. Till then.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh, soz dude.

What the hell. Internet-speak (aka: fuckwit speak) is bad enough ON the internet. So why do people feel the need to bring it into real life and speak like twits?

People don't laugh, they say LOL.
They don't apologize, they say Soz.

Why, WHY?
People, you sound stupid enough as you are. Don't butcher the English language. Speak like a sane person. Please.

Either that, or you get kicked in the nadgers. Seriously. I know many people who would do it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Things have some small meaning.

And I wish that's as far as it would go. But artists and art teachers seem to think otherwise. According to them, there is always a hidden layer of meaning and intent, and how the so and so purposefully accentuates/offsets/outlines/draws-the-eye-to something else, and a whole bunch of meaningless meanings that have nothing to do with the original intentions or purpose or meaning of anything.

Oh, and by the way, see how the strong orange really brings out the richer colours of the picture, and brings emphasis to everything here.

By the gods, you'd expect that every artist had a mind like a steel drum full of ball bearings, and that every bloody ball was a unique way of adding a little more meaning to a single piece of plain old art that is really just meant to look nice on the damn wall.

My art teacher does this all the time. She brings mundane meaning to a simple piece of artwork. It's so infuriating, knowing that the guy just took the picture from that angle because that was the only way he could, or just because he wanted to, or because the lighting looked crap any other way, and hearing her blather on about the 'specially chosen posiotioning' meant to 'specifically bring the foreground to the centre of attention' and to 'really stretch the meaning of the topic'.

I just feel like saying "No. Hell no. That was taken like that on the spur of the moment. I took that there because it was convenient. There's no underlying meaning, no special thought or interpretation, no unique colour features, it's just a bloody photo that looks kinda neat. No special thought required."

She also seems to think that photography is a 'mindset'. And she critisizes me for not 'getting into it'. I'm cynical and sceptical and all those words. I don't need to 'get in the groove' to be able to take a photo. Go away, and I'm not taking your class ever again. Ugh.

Bloody meanings.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Yes, you heard me right. Orgnav.

Basically, orgnav is an all purpose word made to replace the English language.
Orgnav therefore has a variety of meanings.

There's a complete book on it, called 'The Simplified book of Orgnav', however since orgnav is an all purpouse word, you can shorten sentences to simply "orgnav" instead of "Orgnav Orgnav Orgnav". This lead to the book being one simply 'orgnav' printed on a post-it note.

They still charge $10 for it.
If you have any problems, call tech support on 056841, and their fully trained orgnav support staff will sell you a copy of 'The Extended book of Orgnav' for $20.

The book is pretty much just 'orgnav' with a few grammatical errors.

Basically, the idea is to have everyone speaking an open language.


Farmer: Orgnav!
Translation: Can I borrow your cow?
Interpreted as: What a nice day!

Merchant: Orgnav!
Translation: No, you're a wanker.
Interpreted as: Of course, my good man!

Farmer: Orgnav!
Translation: Why, thankyou!
Interpreted as: I'm taking it anyway.

Then the merchant goes and rallies an army to take back the cow. This takes a while.

Merchant: Orgnav!
Translation: Give me back my cow, or my army kills you!
Interpreted as: I'd like my cow back. Also, look at these shiny men in armour!

farmer: Orgnav!
Translation: Of course. What nice men in armour.
Interpreted as: Bugger off!

Then the merchant tells the army to attack, (in orgnav) and they all go and pick flowers due to misinterpretation. Farmer gives cow back. End.

See, the language gives people time to work things out and avoid dispute.
It was invented by a foreign man who, due to misinterpretation, took 'just laugh in his face' too literally and skinned someone, wore their face and ran around laughing.
He invented this language to avoid this sort of thing. Oh, the irony.

Either that, or he was trying to tell the waiter that the noodle soup sucked. Either way, the publishers made a lot of money.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Human beings are notoriously easy to amuse. In fact, we can be entertained by some of the dumbest things imaginable.
Name one? I hear you say.

Guitar Hero.

It's pointless. It's a series of moving points which you have to 'hit' using the corresponding keys on your fake plastic gutair. And then strum on your fake plastic thingy. :D
If that were not accompanied by music, it wouldn't sell at all.
Just... imagine, for a second. Gutair Hero. Without any music.

Well? Sucky, eh? And then with music. Suddenly, it becomes a fun game. Wow. I mean, how weird is that?

Also note that you can get basically the same thing for free, online, called jamLedgend. Fun game. The exact same thing. No music, boring. Music, fun. Weird as hell.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and play some more jamLedgend. It's really fun. :D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have twitter.

Oh, yes I do. The wonders. :D Go to it at https://twitter.com/TheGreenGremlin.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I noticed, this morning, how damn NICE it is out. The air is crisp and the temperature is cool, with the sun shining on everything lending JUST the right atmosphere to everything.
Being outside that early (7:30 AM) is awesome at this time of year. And I do this every morning.

But, it was actually rather depressing. I was only out because I had to comform to a premade schedule. It was not my morning. It was THEIR morning I had been dragged along to see. Just like being out with a friend for an early forced nature walk, it takes all the fun out of it.

Yes, I had to walk up to the bus stop. To go to school.
I was out in the sunshine at an obscene time in the morning when no-one should actually be CONSCIOUS, not of my own choice, but of the governments.

I was witnessing this due to someone elses choice. This took all the fun out of it.
When I finally go out at my own choice, without school hindering my life, then I will be happy. When I leave school, I may be able to have a nice morning like that all to myself.

Or I may just sleep in.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New colouring

Whell, I messed around, and came up with this. I tried to make it as simple as possible.

I failed. :D

Friday, March 13, 2009

I have a blog.

That's pretty neat. After all, before this I was stuck using my deviant journal. Which is pretty cool, but not for frequent blogging.

www.innovation-gremlin.deviantart.com <------ Is my deviant. Click on it. Click. Cliiiiiiick. Clicky.

Uhmmm..... yea, and all that jazz.


Testing testing, one two three.... :D