I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Those lovely internet arguments.

It's something that's been killing me ever since I got back from my two week holiday.
These dumb asses on the internet seem to be administered to most sites with communication through a salt-shaker, and once in are harder to remove than beer from a hobo.

The average intelligence of these salt-grain spammers is actually about that much, and they don't actually act it. They act as if they once had that much brain and destroyed it through substance abuse and lack of regular use.
They can't spell, use grammar, use spell check, work out a coherent sentence, let alone a whole argument, think that they are the best, that their opinion is the king of all, and can actually have an affect on others with their lame ass threats and insults.
The sad thing is, they do. Others such as themselves take these little pieces of indecency and absorb them, making them a central part of the 'What I Care About" section of the aforementioned salt grain brain. They then respond with little indecencies of their own, and then it escalates.

And it's lovely to see them kill each other and upset themselves over trend following bands and socially numbing social networking sites. But they are not content to stay in their little circles of pain, and feel obligated to message people randomly, either insulting them over something they may not have said, or 'recruiting' them to their cause over the same.

And I am aware of the irony of me, sitting here, ranting about them. But give me this little freedom, for if I do not vent, I will surely explode.


Okay, now that's out, I can regale you with tales of my holiday. In bullet points, since I'm too lazy to do otherwise.

-Went to three different holiday-houses.
-Went horse riding
-Was told by my dear Grandmother that I shouldn't have opinions
-Had deep and meaningful/less discussions with Dad.
-Watched Mother get angry repeatedly over nothing.
-Watched the sun rise and set.
-Had a great deal of fun putting my sister in various armlocks.
-Went to many resturants and was amazed at how the staff seemed to think i was 4 years younger than I really am.
-Ate many expensive and tasty meats.
-Ruined many a caprefully sculpted plate of food.
-Went horse riding three days in a row.
-I saw goats. Possibly the best moment.
-Saw a donkey, many horses and a mule.
-Made many crude jokes.
-Didn't actually break much. Much.
-Packed at the last minute every time. And loved it.
-Laughed at other people.
-Went to the beach and got bowled over in the waves. Repeatedly. On purpouse.
-Rescued my sisters sandle from the merciless waves. No, really, she lost it while playing and I had to go get drenched lest it end up on sope poor penguin. Also so she would have two shoes, but that was dads reason, not mine.
-Missed the internet briefley.
-Chastized myself for doing so.
-Got various neck and head aches from sitting in a boot with luggase surrounding me and/or listening to my grandparents for too long.
-Took some self taught courses in patience and not ripping into people for insulting you in a way which would normally result in their getting owned. No really, it was hard not to argue back.
-Kept a healthy disrespect for strangers.
-Did stuff.
-Ran out of tasty snacks and was forced to eat leaves.
-Stood in the rain for the hell of it.
-Stood outside for the hell of it.
-Stood inside for the hell of it.
-Slept inside for the hell of it.
-Did not sleep outside. Yay.

Wow, that was long. And also not very informative. :D

Yea, my grandmother, or as she likes us to call her, 'Oma' (she's German) has very strong and wrong opinions on everything she knows little about. And sometimes they can actually cause open flesh wounds to rational people due to the ammount of wrong in them.

We have some serious issiues to work out.

Also, thanks one and all for actually waiting this long for me to come back, if anyone actually cares, and to Alex D.
Who, may I mention, failed to email me the next section of the collaberative story we are working on together.
Which brings to mind the sheer ammount of writing projects I have on my Linux laptop. I mean, it is amazing how many idead I have. I thinks that at long last, I have filled my Ideas Pad, and have actually started work on five or six of them. It's fun, being a writer.

Untill the next time I get a bug up my arse about something, eh?


P.S: Signing my post is really redundant, and so is this postscript.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

More Crude Humour, and maybe some other stuff.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey all. I've totally not forgot about my blog lately. Hehe.....

I have a whole load of stuff to blog about, but since I have stuff to do, I'll keep it short and simple.
First, I'm going away on Thrusdar, and will be incomunicando for about a week, maybe two if I'm lazy.

I'll be going with my grandmother, and while she is the nicest person (sometimes), it all appears a little shallow if you study it closely, and she does get incredibly hard to live with if you are around her for more than a few days, (I pity her husband) and she does patronize me a lot. In fact, last time we met, she expected me to behave like an adult, (with the exception of assigning me teenage stereotypical traits), and treated me like a child, and reffered to me as a teenager. To make it worse, she really full on patronizes me whenever she can, and belittles my ideas and opinions, her best one to date was telling me that "I would understand when I got more experience", when we were talking about a very simple matter concerning Aboriginals, Ayers Rock and alschomols. (wow, alschomols is a real word?).
And she is totally self opinionated, self obsesses and all those terms.

In other news, starting next term, I have decided to update my comic TDCC every weekend, Sat and Sun.

Now, onto the main topic: Religion. God, it winds me up, and the flimsiest of things are used to justify it, and in the end its fanatics push it farther than it ever need, or was intended, to go.

Porn, for instance. A friend of mine is a Christian, and he cannot (however much he wants to) look at porn. I'm curious to know where that is said in the bible, along with things like being gay, or masturbation, or any of that.
Imagine life without contraceptives, men. Ouch, eh?

I will talk more on that later. :D
Have a good one.