I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I laugh at the good and just. Why? Because they suck.

Well, the title pretty much explains where I'm going with this post. It's the first time I've actually felt motivated enough to blog seriously about somethig that's not a major fustration in my life, and here it is.

The whole 'good' and 'evil' thing is one that is frequently misinterpreted, and there are, obviously, many novels, papers, studies and heated conversations on the topic, as there are with most such topics. (wow, comma much?)

Sure, in books, there's bad guys and good guys, and even in most of the novels that are about surpassing those barriers, there's still a huge amount of familiarity with the good and what not.
There are
A: Not enough books where the bad guys win and
B: Not enough people who believe that the boundary is just pointless.

Personally, I've got no clear defenitions on the whole GvE situation, though I do believe that the boundaries are incredibly flexible, and that people set too much store by them.

There is a justification for almost every wrong, and an undermining motivation for everything good, and hey, misguided people can fuck thing up for everyone else as well, so that makes it less easy to define. Then there are the people who don't care, who care too much, and those who repeatedly break things.

And as for people who ask me what the worst thing I have ever done is, well, that's a hard one. By my standards, it would be.. fhhhhss... ah...

Well, it would probably be the time I didn't stop certain people from being dicks on my behalf to an undeserving guy. Why? Because I couldn't be bothered. That's probably the worst.

And I get asked things like: Well, what about that time when you got into a scrap with Wai and afterwards he went off and cried?

In my defense, he started it, and there was no clear 'back off or I hit you' area with him, he just went for it.

And secondly, I dont really see that as a bad thing. He hit me, I hit him, he couldn't hack it, end. I was 2/3s his size, and I'm fairly sure he could have trampled me if he had pushed it. So what if he felt upset afterwards? (About getting hit, not about hitting me).

But people tell me that since it was direct, that's the worse of the two.
That's a pretty narrow thought path there.
Opinions and examples here in the comments section would be nice.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The underdog minority.

Some people are under the impression that they are the underrated, small community of people that are right, and the world is all so wrong, and that their group is just misunderstood. This constantly amazes me, as the source of all their problems is not discrimination, or haters, it's all so often just their incompitence, and their willingness to just make excuses instead of put some serious work into it.

No lengthy blog for you all. I'm feeling content. Sorry bout that.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Little kids are funny.

Teaching is oone of the many things I (apparently) have a knack for but don't like doing. Others include public speaking, writing essays and impromptu.

However, teaching is a valuable skill, and also a rather underrated one.

People who go into teaching are often misguided and it seems that many of them don't enjoy it, or are not very good at it. My questions is, 'Why stick with such a low paying job you don't like?'

Surely there's something else you can do, (aside from prostitution, that's the unsaid option.).

Teachers should be paid more. Maybe they'd strike less. Or maybe they just enjoy striking.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Oh, look, I'm angry again.

Whoo, it;s been a long time since I was irritated enough to blog. Time to get back into it, I guess.

We know there are man y people who piss me off.

We know that technology pisses me off.

Combine the two? Go on and guess what you get. (No, not cyborgs. ):)

You get people who berate you for getting angry with technology.

I'll sit back and let you think about it. Then, I'll spell it out for you.

This is a scene in my Multimedia classroom.

I boot up the PC. Oh, no wait, something's wrong. It's taking me to an alternate setup menu. None of the options make much sense to me, so I restart. Twice. Same old. At this point, I swear. Not loudly. Some guy (Let's call him Marcus) frowns at me.

I start navigating my way through the maze of options. I hit a likley looking button and the computer shuts down. Oh, no wrong one.
"Dammnit, stupid computer. Just WORK!"
More frowns.

Restart the computer, and after more tries and failings, it works. Don't know how, but it works.
I mutter something about how it would have been easier if it had worked the first time, and Marcus says:
"What is youyr problem?"
"Computer wouldn't startup."
"Well, it's fine NOW, isn't it?"
"Umm. yea. Yes, yes it is. And it was painful to get it to work."
"You shouldn't be so ungratefull."
And he turns away.

What's THAT supposed to mean? I have work that needs doing, on a 5 year old shitheap of a computer, and it won't start. I'm not gratefull for having it.
I'm gratefull for my quadcore, not so gratefull for this ... machine.

So I boot up, and navigate my way through to the CS3 suite on the start menu, and a popup comes up, down goes the start menu. Given that it took me about five minutes to get that far (the computer is slow as hell for the first ten, twenty minutes of use) I swear, close the popup and repeat. I open CS3 and wait. The initialization popup appears. Freezes. More swearing.

Now, I can feel a hole being drilled into the back of my skull here. I turn around and sure enough, I'm being stared down by Marcus.
No reply.
"Stop that, it's creepy."
"Well you stop being such a whiny bitch."
"Whiny bitch?"
"All you've done for the past half an hour is complain about your computer. Maybe you don't want to USE your computer?"
At this point, my only contribution to the conversation is an incredulous laugh. Some technologically illiterate weirdo is having a go at me for not liking a malfunctioning pile of aeroplane debris.

"Seriously, answer me!"
"I've got better things to do than listen to you. Things like making this peice of junk work."
"It's not a peice of JUNK, it's a computer."
'It's a tiny peice of crap. Now hush."

I work my way through to the program I want and get several minutes worth of work done, try and save to a previous versions file type for compatability, and it takes me through a five step torture process. This, obviously, causes much swearing. Adobe HATES backwards compatability.

So, nearer end of the lesson, I'm about to hit save and log off, when my screen goes black. The computer dies. I swear loudly and check the connections, and sure enough, one of them is lose. Marcus, the ever so helpfull soul, has decided I dont want to use the computer after all. HE pulled the power.

You can imagine the aftermath of that, but the tale of how I almost got a level 2 is a one for another time.