We, the NSW school year 9 population, recieved our free laptops. These came with a charter that basically said :
"It's not your laptop, we own it, but you're responsible for it, we don't care if it breaks or dies or goes out of date, and you're not actually allowed to DO anything with it."
The DET (Department of Edumacation) are also a bunch of fags. Just FYI.
Our school doesn't help much either. They've graciously provided, as part of our laptop orientation, a forum on the school intranet (network). Pretty much anything you do on it can, and will, get your laptop confiscated and get you a big, fat, hairy Punishment Level Two.
Cole, as a joke, started a forum titled 'Who dislikes Nick' as a joke. People joined in, as a joke. Nick was sitting next to him, and joined in too. It was a joke. Later, everyone involved, whether or not they actualy said anything nasty about him (the worst thing said was Nick beign a hypocrite) got their laptop taken. Cole got a level two.
Robbie, on his HOME computer, completley aside and away from the laptop, joined a Facebook group called "DET school laptops" or some shit like that. It had some links to hacks on it. Everyone who joined that group got their laptop confiscated. Some got levels.
Lets throw in a perspective of the level system.
Level 1: Repeated insults, disrespect, cheating on tests, that sort of thing.
Level 2: Abuse, violence, excessive disbehavior, truancy.
Level 3: Suspected smoking, violence, repeated uniform breach.
Level 4: Drugs, alchomols, weapons.
If you called someone a bitch ass faggot in front of a teacher, you might get a detention.
If you commented on a teachers attire or hair, you'd get a repraisal or a laugh.
On the forums, if you comment on a teachers hair and beard, and say it looks bad, like a hobo, or a criminal, you get your laptop confiscated, and possibly a level two. The teacher in question actually was aware of the comments, and couldn't have cared less.
Despite the fact that there has been no bullying or actual abuse over the forums (as if anyone actually would try to bully someone for real on the laptops) punishments have been handed out left right and centre. We have also had to go through the charter again in Homegroups (Roll Call) and be lectured. No doubt, it will happen again.
The administration seems completley unaware of hpow things actually work online, and are determined to coddle us from this great, scary place called online, despite the fact that we have been using it for years.
We had to watch an orientation video about pedo's and stalkers. Way to scare us, when the laptops are censored so you can't even access useful shit.
What the hell, Deputy Principal.
Quote of the Post:
"Its just one of those days When you don't wanna wake up Everything is fucked Everybody sucks You don't really know why Butyou wanna justify Rippin' someone's head off No human contact And if you interact Your life is on contract! Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker It's just one of those days!" Limp Bizkit-Break Stuff |