I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Anthony: Piracy, and getting back into the swing of things.

It's been a while. Several months, in fact.
I've not had sufficient reason to yell, rant, rage, complain, bitch, whine, moan, grumble or even be slightly disgruntled, and certainly not over the internet.
Life has provided me with more than enough outlets for my rage, which has decreased, along with my spare time. But I'm going to take a break from actually being productive and give yelling about issues another shot. It's been a long, long while, so don't expect me to be in full form.

I want to talk about pirates. Not the sea sailing kind either. No, that was a terrible joke. Sorry.

I want to talk about pirates in the game industry. Not anywhere else, because that's not my area of expertise. Just gaming.

First off, I've got a great tip for 'em:
How about a great steaming dose of FUCK OFF YOU DUMB BASTARDS.
Yes, that sounds about right.

You can't justify it, unless you literally cannot obtain the game, such as if it isn't sold anymore, or at least not in your country. If you do pirate games, fuck you. You know why?

Because you're raping the industry. You pirate, and companies respond in three ways:
1: Amazingly large amounts of DRM.
2: Adding lots of features that you can't get, (multiplayer) and trimming the parts you can pirate (singleplayer)
3: Moving to other areas of gaming (multiplayer-only, MMO's, consoles)

The first one only ever affects legitimate buyers, since pirates just download a version without all that. So this just punishes legitimate buyers. It's got so bad *coughUbisoftyoufuckingcuntscough* that I've bought games, then dowloaded a pirated version just to avoid that shitty DRM. I sacrificed multiplayer, but that's fine. I'm not hugely into multiplayer, and it's worth it.

That neatly segways onto the second point, actually. Pirates can't often hack the multiplayer side of a game, because that required direct contact with the companies servers. So the singleplayer stuff is what gets pirated. Companies take away and/or limit the singleplayer side to discourage piracy, adding features to multiplayer, and fustrating people like me who wantto play a game WITHOUT an audience and/or interfering, testicle-less arsewipes interfering. Just saying.

And then, when all that happens, they move to consoles and browser games, decimating the PC singleplayer market. All because you greety little shits felt that the world owed you, and you were entitled to some free entertainment that someone worked their testicles off for over a year to produce and polish.

Someone MAKES these games. Someone ADVERTISES these games. Someone BUGTESTS these games. That's someones career. They love their job, making games. So when you pirate, you trample over that in shit-covered boots. And you leave your crusty footprints all over the rest of the industry, and other gamers.

Eventually, that crust builds up, and there are mountains of shoe-shit all over the industry, and they just pack up and move, depriving us ALL of entertianment, paid or not. So really, you've just fucked yourself in the arse as well, genius.

So how about you stop being such an entitled dickhead and just spend $30 on a game. If you really can't afford them when they're released, then fucking wait. You're not owed ANYTHING. Earn it, for fucks sakes.

It's so fucking infuriating when people claim piracy doesn't affect the industry becuase you don't take a physical copy. You're still depriving them of a sale, and you'd know and realize that if you ever stopped and thought about it. but you don't, and you get all self-righteous when someone DARES to complain that you steal hundreds of dollars of other peoples work every year.

I swear to god, if I ever meet one of you in the flesh, I'm going to get a physical copy of every single game you've ever pirated, grind them all up into a fine powder, and then make you SNORT ever single particle. Then I'm going to get the cases, and insert them, in a less than gentle way, into your anal sphincter. One by one.
Once that's done, I'll tie you to a pole and set you on fire, using the manuals of all of the games as fuel.

And once you're bleeding from several orifices and nicely toasty, I'll sit you down in a room with everyone who's careers you've shat all over, and lock the door.

I guarantee you, that will not be a meeting you'll enjoy.

Anthony: Life, Right?

This is an older post I found.

Life: What the fuck, right?

Or in other words:

What I’ve gleamed on the subject of life in my meagre 16 years.

Also known as:

Read it, or don’t, it’s up to you.

What with all these motivational books, self-help courses and very sad and lost people furiously contemplating the meaning of life in order to gain some sort of solace in their pitiful, scrabbling existence, I figured I’d take a shot at working out what several billion people and a few thousand-odd religions can’t really seem to agree on: Life, what’s it all about?

Well, I’ve certainly worked out something here, and that’s what all of these useless books and courses about helping yourself bloom into a veritable Greek God, complete with the sexiest abs on the planet, are all about. Well, mostly. They’re all centred around one thing: It’s YOU in control, and nobody else. Granted, they wrap their own rules, money-leeches and mystical teachings about inner peace around it, but I’ve got enough of these things stacked up in the loo (light entertainment and toilet paper all in one, bonus!) to realize that basically, that’s what they’re all about. Varying doctrines aside, they all try and get you to stop being such a subservient, hopeless chump who waits for their day to come like an abandoned dog waits for his owner. They tell you to be active, proactive, laxative, blah-active, and all those other exhausting words. They also tell you to worship the author and give them money, but we can put that aside as human nature.

So, part one: You’re in control, and nobody else. You can do whatever you want. Nothing except fear and physics will stop you. Damn gravity.

That’s pretty obvious in retrospect, but for some people, it takes a while to sink in. I’m not sure why, but I’ll wager it has something to do with conforming, and social norms. Go to school, go to high school, go to uni, get a job, get married, spawn lots of semi-identical little shits and watch them repeat everything you did, but with better technology. Also you can turn into your dad, and spout the exact same stuff he did at your kids when you were their age.


You come into this world with bugger-all to distinguish yourself. You’re popped out of your mum, or not, in which case, congratulations, you’re already different. Otherwise, once you’ve been squeezed out, the only thing that differentiates you from the squealing brat ten beds down is the particular way in which you flail around. As the years go on, ideally, the gap between you and them in terms of distinguishing qualities would widen, unless you two intend to form some sort of hive mind. (please, don’t.)

However, things don’t always happen that way, as seen when you get lots of people trying to be different in the same way, a way prescribed by someone with lots more money than them, usually. Or not, I guess. And yes, sometimes, it could be a little bit depressing, realizing that not much at all of what you’re doing is original aside from that spectacular bowel movement three Tuesdays ago. On the other hand, why give a shit about that if you’re having a good time?

Thus, part two: Who gives a shit as long as you’re having a good time? If you’re happy, don’t screw with what isn’t broke.

It reminds me of those wonderful scale-based drawings that show you in relation to a bulding, then a skyscraper, then the moon, then the earth, then the sun, then the solar system, then out local space-cluster, then the galaxy, then our galactic cluster, and then a zoomed out shot showing that galactic cluster against a huge backdrop of other galactic clusters, and sometimes it’ll even extend out to your mom.

Makes you feel small, right? Sure, but that’s not something that bothers me. No, the universe is far bigger than I could comprehend. But I’m not trying to change any of that, am I? No other person is statistically any more important than me when measured against that, even if it did really matter. I’m just trying to have a good time. Its up to you to decide whatever you do with your life. If you find jamming horse needles in your eyes till you puke all over the overpriced whore you hired last night to be worth it, go ahead. If you want to go on a power trip and try and manipulate the lives of millions, be my guest. If you want to get stoned and listen to drippy, 'meaningful' bands all day, every day, sure, why not.

Whatever the fuck you want to do, it's up to you, and nobody else. it’s like a mathematical equation. Part one, You are in control + Part two, whatever makes you happy, makes you happy = Your life is for whatever you want it to be.

So, in other words, have some fucking fun, or not. You, and you alone, dictate what you do. If you want to go on, be similar to everyone else, and you enjoy that, then that’s what you want. If you want to be as different and difficult as you possibly can with no regard to anything or anyone, that’s all yours. As always, what you do with this information is ENTIRELY up to you.

That's my two cents on it, and I'm sure it's clearer than any of those fucking seminars. :P

TOO LONG DIDN’T READ: Life is what you make it.

Anthony: This Video Is Not Avaliable In Your Country

This is a repost of an older rant I found.

What. The. Fuck.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 'net seems to be something that connects countries, (except North Korea) shares information between them, (except North Korea) promotes freedom of speech (except in North Korea) and is generally a pretty open place, and disregards the borders of countries (except North Korea).

I can post on forums, art sites, blogs, watch pornography, find funny pictures of bears, and whether I'm from america, australia, britan and not North Korea, I can see what I like. That's the beauty of the net.

Recently, there's been a slew of shit about freedom of speech (wikileaks) and monitoring content (ACTA), and that's to be expected. People liken it to the modernization and governmentalization (not a word) or the wild west, and while I disagree with that, there are similarities.

But I've got some smaller, more niggly issues with the internet right now. It's youtube.

It's not that I don't love it anymore, its just... what with all these UMG's and WMG's and VEVO's popping up and laying claim to music and content, It's getting fustrating.

I can almost understand them blocking music from other countries in other countries, but that kinda makes me feel like I'm in North Korea. What I cannot, in any way understand, or condone, is them blocking AUSTRALIAN born, made and grown music, in australia.

What the fuck.

I've been listening to hiphop, mainly Hilltop Hoods and such lately. THere's a lot of aussie hiphop out there. And more and more, it's being blocked in my country, which just so happens to be Ausrtralia.

Anyone care to explain this to me?

Didn't think so. Fuck goddamn shit pissbiscuits.

Stop blocking my goddamn music.

And stop being such copyright whores, the fair trades/use act covers a lot of videos' that you've censored.

Stop censoring, stop blocking, stop being a collosal whore and bending over to unreasonable demands from the music industry, Youtube.

At the very least, try to make it make sense.