Alright, we've started off on a good, profainitive (is that a word?) title. Let's continiue this trend, and talk about YOUth Decide.
Youth decide, in common terms, is a voting poll for the youth of the world on the topic of cutting Co2 emissions by 2020. There are three categories, World 1, 2 and 3. In each one, there are varying emission cuts, and you vote for the one you want.
In MY terms, it's a political dupe designed to use the uninformed mass of schoolchildren to support Global Climate Change, (or whatever bull they call it now). They have done this by presrnting us with several choices filled with propaganda.
My question to them, before I present my view on the individual voting points, is this:
"So, you're exploiting the fact that the majority of these kids have insubstantial education on Global Warming, and only know the propaganda you feed them through the education system, and using this as 'research' to prove that we need to cut emissions. Do you have a soul?"
Seriously, it's pretty much like a test. They have taught you about this, and you are CONDITIONED to believe this is the truth. How could you not support them?
And if that wasn't bad enough, I have here a list of things that are wrong about the images and details they provide for each of the voting choices, worlds 1-3.
World 1:
Emission Cuts: 4-24% reduction.
Their Comment: World 1 shows the likley concequences if blah blah blah, REDUCE EMISSIONS BY 10-30% below 1990 levels by 2020 and 40-90% by 2050.
My Comment: That's a lot of reduction. D:
They Claim in Text:
-The Great Barrier Reef will be DESTROYEDED. Wtf?
-20-50% of plant and animal life will be EXTINCTED. Despite the fact that Co2 is good for plants.
-170 million people flooded each year. Tidal energy much?
-Despite that, 1.2 BILLION people will face water shortages. Desalination plants, anyone?
-AND MORE! (Click on World 1)
They Claim in Imagrey:
-People in the centre of the continents drown.
-Tanker ships belch out fumes larger than themselves.
-All the fish die (and get really, really big)
-Australia spponatiously combusts.
So, you CAN'T vote for this world without feeling like a chump.
World 2:
Emission Cuts: 25-40% reduction.
Their Comment: World 2 shows the likley concequences if blah blah blah, REDUCE EMISSIONS BY 25-40% below 1990 levels by 2020.
They Claim in Text:
-The Great Barrier Reef will be mass bleached.
-15-40% of plant and animal life will be EXTINCTED. Despite the fact that Co2 is good for plants. Again.
-10 million people flooded each year. Only ten million, but all the planst and animals still die.
-This time, only 1 billion people will face water shortages.
-AND MORE! (Click on World 2)
They Claim in Imagrey:
-People in the centre of the continents drown. But not all of them. Some of them are happy. And not saving the drowning people. What JERKS.
-Tanker ships belch out fumes only half as big as themselves.
-Some pfthe fish die (and they get really, really big)
-Australia sponatiously combusts, but to a lesser extent, and there are now people in Australia.
-We actually have trees now.
Despite the dramatic increase in cuts, we still are all fucked. Want to feel like a dick? Vote for THIS world.
World 3:
Emission Cuts: 40+% reduction.
Their Comment: World 1 shows the likley concequences if blah blah blah, REDUCE EMISSIONS BY 10-30% below 1990 levels by 2020 and more than 95% by 2050.
My Comment: OMFGWHAT?
They Claim in Text:
-The Great Barrier Reef will mostly preserved, but still affected.
-Significantly less plant and animal life will be EXTINCTED compared to world 1-2.
-Significantly less people flooded each year. What happened to all the detailed figures?
-Significanly less people will face water shortages. Is that all you can say?
-AND MORE! (Click on World 3)
They Claim in Imagrey:
-Everyone is happy.
-Tankers are replaced by yachts.
-We still have an economy.
-There are no factories.
-The coral reef is now... ON Australia?
-The planes have no windows or visible propulsion.
-Altogether too many trees.
Okay, that's over. Now, these people assume that cutting our reductions for 40% or more (they even had a box in which you could state your own reccomendation if the given were not DRASTIC enough), they still assume we would have PLANES, CARS, SHIPS, umm.... PLACES WHERE THEY MAKE THINGS..... and all that. And power. Oh, and plastic.
Renewable makes up less than 2% of the worlds power. The greenies hate Nuclear, and have added it as a carbon producer (in the case of France, most of their power is nuclear, yet they are still apparently a huge carbon monster). Some guy put a whole load of solar panels in the desert, and the greenies bitched about the environment being hurt by it. What the fuckity fuck?
To replace all our energy, we'd have to do drastinc things, such as progressivley go BACK through the ages of technology untill we're banging rocks together to make fire, and then have them confiscated because fire produces C02. They'll kill all the cows because they make too much methane and eat too much food. We'll all become vegetarians, and then be culled off for producing too much gass.
THEN, we might achieve our goals. I'm fairly sure that some people want this to hapen so they can 'Save the Planet' and 'Live Closer to Mother Earth'.
Mother Earth is a bitch, and every step we have taken has been in the OTHER directions. The only reason we're not all in space it because it sucks out there (lol vacum joke, aren't I the WORST?). Yet these greenies want us to go BACK and live with untamed Earth?
Go fcuk yourself, then go die in a hole. Don't inconvenience me with the placement of your cold, dead, rotting corpse either.
I'll produce as much Co2 as I want.
Because it does not cause warming.
Thankyou, and goodnight.
(P.S: Don't get offended. Actually, feel free. It's on the house.)
So, you CAN'T vote for this world without feeling like a chump.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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