I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I feel all Christmassy inside ~Alex

Ok, so I normally write about a lot of other things, things that actually matter. Well, I think seeing as it's around Christmas time, I should comment on my own views on the subject.

First of all, I am not an Atheist. I am not a Christian. The truth is, I believe in a higher power that co-ordinates all things including our own actions but does not need to be constantly and readily acknowledged. Fair enough belief right? (If you observe my religion on Facebook it's listed as Church of Dalland, but even I know it's only more legit than Scientology...)

Anyhow, long story short that's what I believe in. Here are some other views I have on religion;

1. Atheism is a religion.

Think about it. In the UK, Atheists have started to advertise themselves upon buses, expressing the great possibility that there is no god. Atheists are constantly religion-bashing and trying to convince others that Atheism is, in essence, "the one true faith" (this is not a quotation, merely a likening of their point to one more fitting for someone part of the world's largest [non]religion.) If you ask me, mainstream atheism has all the hallmarks of a real religion. Therefore, they should make and celebrate THEIR OWN HOLIDAYS! If you hate Christians so much, why do you celebrate their religions? This should be made clear to all serious atheists, so that you can celebrate your own damn religions.

2. Christmas Message.

People complain a lot about teaching stuff in school, a good example being Creationism/Evolution. Teaching the Christmas Message should be compulsory in school if you celebrate Christmas i.e; almost everyone. Unless you strongly don't celebrate Christmas in any way, then you are exempt. Otherwise however, you must learn the meaning of Christmas in order to better appreciate the purpose of the celebration. Otherwise it's just a free ride, and really that's not fair to Christians. I don't suddenly decide "Yes, it's bar mitzvah time! Ca-ching!" despite the fact that I am definitely not jewish. No. Do others? Not that I know of. Christmas and Easter are two different stories. Don't celebrate something that you don't believe in. Just don't.

3. The ongoing argument.

Leave people to their own religions. If you're Christian, don't try and convert others, especially with fancy commercials and edgy billboards. Religion should not be cool. Period. Religion is an answer to life, not an impulse purchase at the checkout of Woolworths. This applies to Atheism as well. Don't purposefully try to disillusion others of their religions, that's just like walking up to small children and carefully making an air-tight argument about how Santa Claus doesn't exist. As is said; "You're just jealous because you're not having any fun."

I celebrate Christmas, despite my non-Christianity. However, I do hold the belief that it's likely that 2009 years ago as of December 25, a man named Jesus was born, and lived a life that ended with a crucifixion. I don't deny this, and indeed, it's completely possible that all these events happened. Many people can argue; "But how do you know he rose from the dead, and was God's son?"

Well, that's why they call it a 'faith'.

Comment if you have any extra opinion,


1 comment:

  1. Bah, humbug!

    I kind of think Jesus was pretty cool, and we should respect and remember him. He had some pretty earth-shaking ideas (like let's be nice to each-other for a change) that have stood the test of time extremely well.

    As for a religion, well, not sure about that.

    But do remember, and remember well, the Romans who spread Christianity were very adept at usurping the exiting religions' holidays and icons for their own use. Good examples are:

    Easter, which was, and still is, a celebration of the fertility of spring. This is embodied with eggs, and with loads of bunny rabbits leaping about (as they tend to do in spring in Europe - here we hate the bastards). Loads of food from the new growth, etc. Round about the equinox, too.

    Christmas (or Christ's mass, in reality), as the winter festival. Right around the winter soltice, too. At this time we needed to fatten up for the coming bleak winter, and eat all our dried fruit and stored nuts. In my family we always did the fruit and nuts thing over the choccies, at least when I was young. I still do the nuts thing now. It also lasted 12 days (the 12 days of), and was typically joined with celebration and merriment. All good fun - all the work has been done, nothing much to do 'til spring, let's have a blowout, eh guys?

    In this way, anybody still celebrating the 'old' festivals were kind of adopted into the 'new' festivals without much argument or dissent.

    Oddly, the icons were cast as the baddies. I have not seen any references to the devil in the bible marking him with cloven hooves, even a tail, and certainly not a half-goat, half-man creature with horns. But who was? Oh, yes, the god Pan! One of the great pagan gods. The Romans, and the church, decided to label the devil like this so that all worshippers of the 'old gods' could be hounded (and indeed killed) as devil-worshippers.

    So, within less than a generation, you have usurped the festivals and kept them, so people are still having fun, and can kill the old priests for a seemingly good reason.

    Religion? No. Politics? YES!

    Should we enjoy? Too bloody right, mate!
