I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Anthony: Understanding is where you fail.

My little world of ignorance and hatred would be a much better place if people could somehow find it in their small, shrivled hearts/brains/thinking organs to actually take some time to try and UNDERSTAND shit, instead of passing instant judgement or ignoring it altogether. Believe me, this is more common than you'd think. But I'm not here to solve problems for you, I'm here to whine about my own, so let us run with my experiences for now and see where we end up.

People constantly fail to understand me. This is not surprising, given that I am so complex and illogical in every way I sometimes perplex myself.
But what gets me is they fail to understand the most basic things about me, which in turn make my life a fucking trial. It's a VERY easy thing to understand, which irks me all the more.

This is not an extreme of the problem in any way. This is what most people seem to think of me. Now, it's true that I am 'somewhat eccentric'. I do defy social norms.
I am different. I behave erratically. But I have demonstrated on many occasions that I can behave like a boring person, stand up to pressure and all that bullshit. But of course, none of this is recognised. The only thing anyone ever seems to see is some silly shit with no eyebrows who gets far too angry at things they cannot understand.

Fucks sakes. It's not enough to have to explain my every abnormal actionm, i now have to deal with the disbelief when I act like a normal person to get shit done, just like you think I should.

There shouldn't be an unwritten rule about this shit, but there is. It seems that you have to have every aspect of you displayed proudly on your sleeve at all times to get it recognised. Nevermind my competence, let's all disregard it because I'm not ALWAYS acting like he could be solving, fixing or improving something.

I have explained numerous times that I act the way I do because of several reasons, which I shall state again:
1)It irritates stupid people. Unfortunatley, there are too many of theese people around.

2)It would kill me to act like a normal, boring person all the time.

3)Repressing ones inner desires to act silly and break shit will inevitably lead to more mental trauma than giving in (moderatley) to these urges.

But no matter how many times I repeat myself and make it ever clearer for those with small brains and limited memory spans, I'm inveitably categorized as stupid and slow. I'm also categorized as insane, but I can run with that because it's mostly true. It's just not true that you can't be insane and smart at the same time.

Also, speaking of UNDERSTANDING things, I have more to yell about.

I am generally regarded as a pretty intolerant sort of person. This is, for the most part, true. But I am actually a fairly UNDERSTANDING (here comes that word again) person.

I don't reject things because I don't understand them. I reject them because I disagree with them. The world would be a better place if this was the norm.

Of course, there are exceptions, and some things are blanketed when I disregard others, because I am too lazy/busy to research EVERYTHING, so I make do with a fair ammount of things. I am an informed sceptic, for the most part.

But, as is evidenced in society (and me) people fear and alienate what they do not understand. This is not a healthy attitude, and neither is treating understanding like belief.

If I believe that cannibalism in remote pacific islands is wrong, that's all cool. But If I understand WHY they partake in this, and show my knowledge of such, I would be immediatly labeled as in favour of canibalism, and most probably served up to the cannibals as food by people who think they understand irony.

This is not the way the world should work. People are getting dumber and more narrowminded, and it seems the only way to fix this is with hammers.

Possibly even flaming hammers.

Quote of the Post:
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

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