I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A good day.

Today was one of those inexplicable days enwhich you do not feel like castrating someone with a rusty scalpel. It was an indefinably nice, easy and fun day, not only in the fact that good things happened, or that bad things failed to happen, but because it was just a GOOD DAY. In fact, so much so that when, on the bus, I took the edge of a seat (all 5cm of it) next to two year 7 girls because I was bloody knackered, their insane wittering failed to put a damper on my day. In fact, uit was quite the opposite.

I took the seat, or the edge of it, and the immediate reaction was a rather predictable
"What are you doing?"
I explained that I was, indeed, bloody knackered and would appreciate using the 5cm of the seat she was not using to recuperate untill another seat became avaliable.

Despite the fact that I was being amazingly polite, far nicer than they deserved, this did not go down well.

The rest of the trip was spent with them saying things like:
"Go AWAY!"
"Go on, smack him!"
" I DARE you to push him off!"
"Poke him!"
"He's gonna, like, rape you!"
"Put your bag up there! Push him off!"
"You know, she like, loves you and it's just too much for you, maybe you should move away."
It was really creepy, and if it had been a normal day I would have been sarcastic and cynical. But I endured the numerous attempts to creep me out and threaten me. It was actually kinda pathetic.

Then, when I moved away, they acted like it was a major victory and started taunting me between themselves. It was funny.

I feeeeeeel haaaaappy. I don't know why.

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