I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anthony: Content

I came home, booted up the de-humidifier, turned on the music and did the f**king washing up.

Now, it's a few hours later, and I'm hungry. As I'm frying up some snags (with assorted veggies, dad, I'm not going to get scury), I decide that the music is nowhere near loud enough.

I turn it up, and go outside. Nah, can't hear it.
I go back inside and rinse and repeat.
Yea, you can hear it outside now.
Maybe the neighbours can hear it.
Better turn it up a bit to be sure.

Much better.

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