I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Anthony: Political Correctness

Well, it's a subject that needs to be adressed.
I guess it's best tackled by launching straight at it, so here I go.

All men were created equal.
All women were created equal.
Men and women are equal in rights.
Black and white people are equal in rights.
The key word here is? Go on. GUESS.


Capital letters.


So why the fuck do these people always pull the 'minority' card?

Wait, you thought this was about people being dicks to blacks/women/others? Nope. That's a well covered subject already. I'm just as sick, however, of people who cry "Discrimintation" when a black person is arrested on suspicion, or people who let an Iraqi man beat his wife or daughter for not adherring to their religion, despite the fact they are NOT in their homeland anymore.

You change locations, you change laws. You beat someone in Britan, or the US, you face the penalty, no matter the reason. (Well, not quite.)
But suddenly, believing in a different mystical cloud-lord or having different customs lets you walk all over our law? I'm all for tollerance, but this is going too far.
OUR country, OUR rules. Don't like it? Go back to your OWN country. Rough it out. We go to your country and respect your customs. We are EQUAL, and when on someone elses home turf, you defer to them.

Women keep pulling the 'chauvanism' card, and making life inconvenient for men. You don't get the job?
Come on. Stop with that shit, please.

I've got some issiues with this whole 'Political Correctness', obviously. Some of these are to di with the fact that only MINORITIES can be discriminated against. Or at least that's how it seems.
(An interesting note is that in the Apartheid, blacks outnumbered the whites.)
Blacks or Asians cannot be racist to whites.
Women can harrass the men as much as they want
Other religions can put down atheists, or Muslims can put down Christians.

Also, what's the deal with not being able to say 'disabled', 'retarded' or 'crippled'? You have to say 'disadvantaged' or 'differently abled'.

Dude, you have no LEGS. That's not differently abled. You have NO LEGS. That's disabled. You have NO ability to use your legs, 'cause you DONT have them. What's the problem with me saying that word? I'm not trying to be offensive.

In England, the public and open cellebration of Christmas is being limited because of 'religious tollerance'. No, fuck off. That's just being pansies. I can accept that other people have different beliefs, and can understand that in their country, it would be a bit iffy to openly celebrate your own religion, but only in some places.
But you stupid spineless dicks are banning the celebration of your OWN religion in your OWN godamn country. What the fuck is wrong with you? You ENCOURAGE them to cellebrate their festivals in your own streets, and repress your citizens?

You cant call people 'Garbagemen'. They are 'Refuse Collector Operatives'.
You can't say black. You have to say African American.

Baa Baa African American sheep, anyone?

And I quote from YahooAnswers:
"The U.K. Government has recently Paid off Over 2,000 Prison in-mates (Who were Junkies when they were convicted),because they were forced to Go COLD TURKEY whilst in jail!!"

He does not lie.

"My daughter was a prison nurse, and she told me they're not allowed to call prisoners "inmates", they had to refer to them as "clients". This is in Canada."

If someone robs your house, and hurts themselves, they can sue you for reckless endangerment or some similar charge.

You can't cellebrate Halloween in nurseries, because it might SCARE them. God forbid we scare them with fake costumes, and completley ignore all those fairytales that stem from violent folk lore.

Read this: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article71944.ece

It's fucking scary.


You, you're fat, not horizontally challenged, or dietarily impaired.
You, you're a ginger. Deal with it.
You're black.
You're a woman. You hit me, I hit you. Deal with it.
You're an old person. You're funny because you're fragile.
You're a delinquent. Your appearance does not matter.
You believe things differently to me. Good for you. Stop repressing me. Why can't I fight back?

So, in conclusion, fuck off, government. Fuck off, Human Rights activists. Fuck off, and let people be PEOPLE.


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