I Fucking Hate: The trendy emo/goth scene.

Go suck a fucking whale penis. You're not sad, mad or different. You're just attention-whoring.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Copenhagen Fail ~ALEX

Hey all, another blog post from me. This one's only quick.

A few days ago, we received the results from the Copenhagen climate summit. And the result is that ALL THE WORLD'S COUNTRIES have agreed to keep global warming to only a 2 degree increase! Remarkable!

First of all, I'll bring up the obvious points:
1. I don't believe in global warming. Nothing against those who do, but that's just me personally.
2. Youth Decide's decision to reduce emissions by 50% (wishful thinking!) cheapen the opinion of the world's youth. It was essentially the equivalent of the 2-year-old who says "I wanna be a ca-pila!" and everyone says "Awww how cute" and thinks; "Yeah right."
3. The plane trips and burning of fossil fuels in transit was an obvious irony.

Now to the main point. Saying "we want to keep global warming to only a 2 degree increase" is like saying "Global Warming is bad. We must think of a way to stop it!" Basically, it accomplishes nothing. I probably thought harder about it more than the entire body of countries, and I slept less in the process (zing! refer to pictures in various newspapers of country reps. sleeping through meetings).

As I said, I don't believe in Global Warming. However, this isn't about Global Warming. It's about government incompetence. We elected you, the least you could do is to be competent. K.Rudd, where are you when we need you? Surely you must be competent, even if every single member of the labor government isn't?

I'll blog again soon. Comment if you have more to add or acknowledge my opinion (good or bad).


1 comment:

  1. Dowlaaahnd, i agree with you, except if the liberal government were in then it would have been worse, despite the fact that copenhagen was a complete fast. I believe in global warming and i think that keeping warming to 2 degrees is stupid and is not addressing anything. we must do something, but seriously that is not a step forward, it is a step-backwards, because now they feel that they can get away with that in the future.

    they are my thoughts

